Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekends! Wish they were longer......oh, wait!

     Sometimes, I wonder if what I post will even be interesting enough for my own family, much less anyone else, but I made a promise to Liz and Colin that I would post more regularly.  I hope that every once in a while I send out a true gem or two, but I guess it's OK to just post my day-to-day occasionally, right?
     My mind is still spinning around, tumbling so many things from last week's General Conference, the ongoing Government issues, school insurance, school evaluations, TESS, Common Core, sports (yeah, a bit) and weather, that I decided I am just going to "muse" about my weekend, and save some of the deeper thoughts for another day.
     Start with basic run-down of the weekend.  Justin and Ian home for Friday night and Saturday, Ben off at Briar's, celebrating his 17th birthday.  Pizza and icecream for supper.  Healthfood, I know, but we all love pizza.  Watched a corny, but enjoyable movie called "Warm Bodies".  Sort of a zombie version of Romeo and Juliet.  Had some really funny moments, and a few "comments" about human interaction.  I liked it.
    Saturday,  Kaylee forced my day to begin at 6:30, to take her over to the school.  She and the choir were headed to Beebe for a regional choir workshop.  I like spending some quiet drive time with Kaylee.  OK, maybe not "quiet", but we did have fun discussing the artistry of the sunrise.  It was beautiful!  Soft pastels, interesting shapes, just really nice.
     I got back home about 7:15, but it was darker than when we left, because those clouds had rolled in and piled up.  By the time I had crawled back into bed (yeees, I know, what a slug!) the lightning, thunder and rain had started in earnest.  It pounded hard for a little over an hour.  About 8 am, the power blinked out hard enough to "chirp" our smoke detectors, so I woke back up.  Lazy bum, I stayed in bed until nearly 8:30!!  Still darker than at 6:30.
     Gave Michelle "the day off" from chicken houses, since I had boys to help me.  We are into week .....7?  I think.  Things are looking pretty good, but I had one ventilation system that needed a cable repaired.  We looked at the break, and compared it to several spots of rust along the cable, and decided it would be better in the long run to replace the 200+ feet of cable.  Not too bad a job for me and my two engineers.  We knocked it out in about 1 hour.  
     Weather still just drizzly enough, we kind of made it a movie, facebook and football kind of a day.  Did get sunny as the day progressed, so I sprayed the garden to reduce the bug damage.
     I don't consider myself a "diehard" Razorback fan, so I was kind of surprised at my own reactions as I watched the Arkansas v South Carolina game.  There were a few times I actually groaned loud enough to be heard in the other room.  Arkansas got "spanked" badly enough by the end of 3, that I went out and watched video games and movies with the kids.
     We were having some troubles with our wifi, so I didn't spend much time online, other than 98 minutes to post a short piece in my blog "ein wening Deutsch" uuggh! I also posted a short bit to this blog about the "Burlington Wall".  It was too funny to let slip away.
     Today, like every Sunday, started earlier than other days, so that we could make it to church meetings and such.  Michelle stayed home with farm houses, since I have responsibilities at church, again.  Really enjoyed hearing the members bear witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Loved the singing.  I feel the Spirit so strong during hymns, it always hits my heart.  Also trips the "overflow button", which makes my eyes "leak"?? :)  OK, fine, when I am feeling the spirit, I tend to cry.  It actually bugs me, in a good way.  It makes it hard to sing, but I REALLY enjoy singing, and I used to be pretty good at it.  But there is no denying how the Spirit touches me during hymns.
     ANNNND, then the afternoon.  I love Sunday afternoons (if not always "monday-eve").  Relaxing with the family, reading, visiting the Church website, when our wifi works right, and the nap of the week!  Luv weekends!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is not a bad thing that hymns always make you cry....