Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I just feel like I should post something today, but I have to be honest...I am just not feeling it.
     I prefer to send out well thought out items, preferably one concept, but I think there are just too many things, and my brain is jumbling them together in such a way that this may just come across as a rant.  It really is not supposed to be.
     Little stresses, big stresses, minor inconveniences and looming disasters all making my brain want to just go to sleep at 7 pm, and see if tomorrow shows up looking better.
     School:  I love teaching students.  Sometimes I have those moments like I posted about the other day, but many days, it is just "getting ready" for the next test or quiz, trying to keep up with late work, stressing about re-writing lesson plans for the entire year before end of first 9 weeks (next Wed.) for 4 levels.  Add in there issues of finances, such as health insurance, whether or not to keep paying the 50 USD per month to stay in the AEA or put that back on the dinner table,( in spite of "soap box" emails from reps), and higher with-holdings on each paycheck which actually have my monthly take-home LESS than last year.
     Farm:  Winter is coming, and that always involves a round of repairs and "tightening up" which adds a lot to weekends I would rather enjoy outside.  OK, translate: camping with the Scouts.  Gotta miss Camporee to take care of Farm.  My choice, I know, but it doesn't make me happy about it.  I was hoping things would time out with this flock to make it to Fall Camporee with Ben and the Troop.  No such luck.
     Govt. "shutdown" :  I wish there was a way to make People?...... get a bit away from all the emotions and start:
      1.  Looking at the real problem.....
      2. realizing that compromise, by definition, means that ALL sides need to to be willing to flex a bit.  It is obvious that each side has something they don't want to budge on, but those two issues DO NOT DETERMINE THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE ENTIRE US GOVERNMENT!!!
      3. demanding that media and politicians state their sources for all this highly divisive rhetoric.  I mean, opinion is one thing, but in College English and High School English, making "factual" statements like these we are hearing, without sources would be graded with a very large, red "F".
      4.  Shutting up about blame, and start talking more about talking it through
      5............realizing when collars (their own) are getting hot, and back off for a few minutes...

     OK, .......moving on for a bit.

     Hoping my little car makes it to next week's paycheck with tires.  They are all 4 getting bald, and I can probably replace 2 on this paycheck and the others in Nov.......?
     My garden is looking sad today, and I had no time(during daylight hours) to do anything to help it.  Not likely to get help tomorrow either, as I get grades ready for Term upload.  Hopefully Saturday weather will be OK to work outside.
     Oh, and I worry about Michelle.  She may smack me for mentioning this, but when I leave for school after using the "maneuver formerly known as 'Heimlich'", because she choked on half a cheerio, it adds a significant stress to my day when she doesn't come to the phone.  I remind myself that she may be out checking the farm, but........  A year or so ago, she choked on some broccoli, and the EMT's came in just as she was regaining consciousness.  When she passed out, while dialing 911, she dislodged the blockage.  Not sure how long she was unconscious.  Healthy food?  Really??
I will make it.  Please know I try super hard not to be a whiner.  I know many people have problems much worse than these, and my prayers go out to you.  In so many other ways I am blessed beyond measure.  Sometimes, it just feels good to air out the stresses.  Can't pay a shrink, so will you guys be my couch?

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