Monday, September 30, 2013

Someone hit the "hot-button" today!

I will try to be "short-winded" today.  I am just mad enough, I am typing with one finger to keep my words from getting away from me.

     Listening to the TV and radio today, get ready to hear about one of two scenarios. 
     Senate Democrats have "overcome the stubborn Republican fixation on Obamacare and SAVED the USA from a Government shutdown"  or, "Republican extremists in the House of Representatives have shut the USA down, in the fixation on defunding the Law of the Land, Obamacare".
     Why does this make me mad? Misleading political maneuvering.  That's why.  If you believe for a second that our President and the Democrat leaders in the Senate wanted to avoid a government shut-down, you are mistaken.  How can I make this claim?  Look back at the series of Continuing Resolutions sent by the House over to the Senate, which funded, at current levels, EVERY other department, but defunded Obamacare.  IT IS THE SENATE DEMOCRATS WHO HAVE OPTED TO SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT, if the Republicans don't cave on Obamacare.
     Now, to be fair (as much as possible), I would love to hear from any whose health care issues are showing dramatic improvement due to Obamacare.  Please tell us your story!  For every one who has actual, personal financial improvement in the daily health care concerns, due to Obamacare, I bet we can find you 4 or 5 who are already feeling the damage caused by this Monstrosity being rammed, crammed, blasted down our throats.

     I'll detail our "Obamacare improvements" in another post in the next day or so.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are not the only one tired of politicians playing political games at the publics expense. Maybe the voters need to do their job next voting season, since they don't seem to want to do theirs. No budget in 5 years, seems like a "fireable" offense.