Sunday, September 22, 2013


     As I was walking through the house this afternoon, passing the TV in our room, which was on, the news was running a segment of President Obama addressing the families of those killed in the Naval Yard at DC this past week.  That is a tragedy, and my heart goes out to those families, along with my prayers.  But what I heard straight from the President's own lips shows well, that he will not let any tragedy go unexploited for advancing his political agenda.
     The short sentence essentially confirmed what every law-abiding gun owner in this country already knew.  This President, and a significant segment of our very liberal countrymen are determined to disarm America, and they will try to use this tragedy as a catalyst for "change".  But there is a huge problem.  They are only talking about disarming law-abiding Americans!!
     We have already heard from the likes of Senator Feinstein of CA, and several others who have shown not only their disdain for law-abiding gun owners, but time and time again have demonstrated their own ineptitude regarding gun safety and use.  Recall the "esteemed" senator waving around a rifle at a press conference a few months ago, WITH HER FINGER ON THE TRIGGER??  Or the barrage of newscasters announcing the use of an AR-15 in DC?  Yet there was no such weapon involved!!?
     I recognize we are having a rash of gun related violence in this country.  But I also recognize that this has nothing, and I repeat NOTHING to do with the millions of legal gun owners and their families.  Particularly when it comes to these mass shootings that make the news around the world.  Yet our so-called leaders jump at the chance (every chance!) to try and disarm our citizenry.  One should ask why?
    Some of my friends have posed this question during conversations, and I want to pass it on to all.  How many of these mass shooting events took place in a location where it was "OK" for law-abiding citizens to carry their LEGALLY OBTAINED AND LICENSED weapons?  I can't come up with one.  How many of these events involved a legally obtained gun, and proper legal use of said gun?  One or maybe two to the first question and ZERO to the follow-up.  Columbine?  Gun free zone.  Newtown?  Gun free zone.  Theater in Colorado?  Signed as a gun free zone.  Fort Hood?  Gun free zone (craziest thing I ever heard, but apparently "normal" procedure at Military installations). Washington DC?  "gun-free" zone (as long as you aren't a criminally minded terrorist sniper).  Naval Yard DC? again, DC is supposedly a gun free zone.
     These perps were not following the law!  In most of the mass shootings all the way back to Columbine High School in the 90's, and even further back, the guns were obtained illegally.  And the way they were used broke so many laws that Congress has worked tirelessly for nearly 3 decades to come up with new laws to replace the broken ones.  They haven't figured out how to enforce those old broken things, so they keep trying to re-invent the wheel.
     Their imminent failure is a simple truth!  No amount of law and regulation will keep evil or sick men and women from breaking a law to commit crimes of this nature in the future. Criminally insane and mentally ill are not the same thing, but diagnosed mental patients will already find it nearly impossible to buy a gun legally.  Those of us NOT insane, should face no such restrictions.  I do not wish to cry gloom and doom, but friends, the ills of society which allows this to happen will not go away simply because we disarm the "good-guys".  It will become worse! 
     Do some research.  Countries and communities with a high level of legal gun ownership have a surprisingly ( or not so surprisingly) low rate of gun related crime.  Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world, "yet" in the neighborhood of 80 % of their households have a gun in them.  Look for local reports ("cuz" the national media will never step outside their own agenda to report...) about shooters who were stopped after injuring a very few, or injuring NONE because a law-abiding CC permit holder was in the area and either stopped them or "STOPPED" them cold!
     And to those who are crying for gun regulations to tighten.  It is not (legally)possible to buy a gun on every corner, as you would have "the masses" believe.  There is already a fair pile of paperwork which is required to legally purchase a gun.  Legal gun ownership is already a highly regulated thing.  To work with a quote from a weekend radio talkshow host, "the people on the left want to take everyone's guns, and the people on the right want everyone to own a bazooka".  He got the first half right.  Those of us on the right, however, just want to be allowed to defend ourselves, our loved ones  and our property.
     When this White House sent guns to criminals in Mexico, it should have raised more concern. Especially when those guns came back across our borders and were involved in the death of US border Agents.  They then cried for tighter gun control laws.  When the same White House sent guns to Syria, it was "to arm the people against an oppressive Government which no longer represents them".   Yet this same White House claims that "there is no good reason for any American citizen to own a gun".  Wonder what the goals of this White House really are, don't you?
     If the Second Amendment is thrown out, and guns are effectively taken away from the citizens of this country, we have much to fear, because ONLY the criminal element will still own guns, and so will the Government.  Our Founding Fathers, and millions of the rest of us, agree; that these two are equally unpleasant ideas.

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