Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Late (make-up) post from 2011, sorry!

I don't know yet if I am going to post this, but I am sitting in the downstairs hallway, monitoring doors at school, killing time, so I figure it gives me something to do.

     We have just come off a 3 day weekend, coming off a 3 day school week.  Last Sunday/Monday we got snow.  The storm was somewhat odd, in that it hammered to the South.  Places like Atlanta, and even down into Florida had snow and icy conditions that are rare.  We, on the other hand, got a measly 3 inches.  It was super fine, soft powder, what I call “powdered sugar snow”.  Conway and Little Rock ranged between 4 and 7 inches.  The southern/central part of the state got the worst of it, but it was enough trouble on the highways that nearly every school in the state shut down Monday, and many stayed closed on Tuesday.  Conway closed both days, but I was already in Heber Springs before they called it in on Tuesday.  I was still glad to turn around and go get some more sleep.

     I used the day to help with laundry, we baked large amounts of bread, and I was able to get some firewood cut.  We have used most of the pile I had cut a few years back, and the thought of a major snow or ice storm leaves me anxious.  I have lots of downed trees, from the ice storm(s) of the last few  years, I just need to tromp out into the woods and actually cut it up.  Fortunately, the weather on Tuesday was great for outdoor activities.

     This weekend (Martin Luther King jr.), I am getting ready to sell chickens.  They go out today from one house, and the other three go tomorrow.  I am taking a personal day to be around to help.  Bob does not do well in the chicken houses anymore, and he really doesn't like Michelle to have to run the show on a catch.  The water lines and doors are a big enough job, he will try to help if I am not there, and his breathing can not handle that. I should add that he also has concerns about Michelle being the only one up there with the catching crews.  All men, most not english speakers, some a bit “rough around the edges”.  I actually agree with him on that reason. 

I'll update this one, rather than starting a new one.  I am having trouble cutting/pasting these word documents into my blog, so I will try to add just a few things, and hope I can post it without having to rewrite the whole thing.

     We had some great weather at the end of January.  Last weekend was up in the low 70's, so I spent a good amount of time cutting trees.  I am feeling it now (one week later), because my back has not worked like that for awhile.  I cut some trees that were nearly 18 inches across when they fell.  Mostly Oak and hickory, so it will be great for fires. 

     Then, just to make me feel better about the back pains, this week started with the potential for a massive storm across more than half the country.  The one that was all over the news, arctic blast, record snowfalls, ice and sleet, etc.  Well, it missed us.  We got just the edge of the snow here in our region.  Northwest Arkansas got slammed, but we got a lot of rain, followed by just enough sunshine and wind to dry the roads before the temperature bottomed out.  Snow flurries did happen, but they left less than an inch of really fine dry stuff on the ground, and cars moving were enough to blow that off the roads.  Nuts, isn't it?!  We went from 70's on the weekend to 50's on Monday, rain and low 50's again on Tuesday, to a Tuesday afternoon that dropped below freezing!  Thankfully, the roads had been mostly dry before the temp hit 32.  It was 19 in Greer's Ferry the next morning going to work.  It stayed cold, and today the temp read 11 as I came through GF.  BTW,   “today” is Thursday, February 3rd (2011).  The weather is supposed to get “iffy” again tomorrow, I guess.

(Friday morning update)  The roads were clear, dry and beautiful today, but apparently this new wave is supposed to drop anywhere from 1-5 inches of snow and/or sleet, some possible ice, depending on your location in the state.  Concord called off school, rather than risk the bussing issues later, as have all of the Little Rock area schools, and many others around the state.  Conway, of course, is always a hold out when it comes to school closures.  Hopefully I will be able to make the drive home when that time comes.  I would hate to get stuck here on a weekend.  If it's going to be nasty, and driving is impossible, I would much rather be stuck at home.

     If I could stay home and read or work around the house, or even “fight” computer issues for my classes, Fun!  Otherwise, I am ready to be done with the cold weather.  Conway called off school, and ran busses at 12 noon.  I “raced” home on slushy but usable roads.

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