Saturday, August 27, 2011

College Freshmen

   I have to at least post something.  I am feeling old (er).  we are sitting here talking to our second college Freshman.  Last week, Michelle took Liz out to Provo to get ready to start at BYU.
   It was the crazy week from heck, and "losing" Liz at the end of it only made it crazier.  we have been getting excited about her going out there, but it doesn't seem like it has been long enough since she was riding circles around Justin on her new bike, yelling "come on, you can do it", "even I can ride better than you", just before crashing into Granny's mailbox.  She bounced right back up, and hasn't slowed down much, sincce.
   She has grown into a pretty amazing young lady (yes, I know I am biased, but many others say the same thing), and lots of people are going to miss having her around all the time.  But, we know she is moving on with life, and many great experiences and adventures await her.
   And Ian is a senior, already getting piles of recruiting mail, because of his high test scores and good grades.  And Justin will be home in December.  We may very well be sending 3 to BYU next year!   Yikes!!
Maybe it's time to look into real estate in Provo again??  3 Apartments to rent, or one mortgage?  Something to think about.
   Liz is off to a freshmen orientation dance.  Does that mean they point them in the right direction, to music??  JK.
   She is having so much fun this week, but she is also excited about classes starting on Monday.  Such a gem.  we are blessed to have her as a part of our lives.

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