Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another 2011 make up post, just in case you thought my life got boring.

Update January 4, 2011

     Wow!  Time sure flies by when you need 36 hours in a day!  I think I survived my classes.  I am not sure yet.  I had some severe tech issues since the last post.  OK, since I wrote the last post, even though they are probably showing up together.

     As we were winding down the semester with major written assignments and research projects, I was having issues.  The day after I submitted a “major” paper, the laptop I was using crashed.  I should back up slightly.........  This little netbook, that has saved my life in so many ways, has one significant drawback.  It does not have Microsoft Office installed.  Powerpoint and Microsoft word are heavy needs for my online class.  And for some reason, the major paper (sent earlier), didn't go through correctly. (probably because it is not WORD).  OK, I had been using my school laptop to re-write that paper and make up powerpoint presentations.  So the major paper was on my school laptop, pretty well done, and so I just finished it on a weekend.  Failed to bring home the flashdrive, but figured it would be OK until Monday.   Wrong!!

     I sent it, planning on backing it up to flash drive the next morning at school.  Something about the best laid plans.........

     At school the next morning, I didn't have time to back up the paper before my classes started, and I was using the computer for class.  As I'm sitting there at my school desktop doing grades (during my 2nd period planning), the laptop starts making weird sounds, and when I went over to check it, it was showing a black screen with the line  “checking for hard-drive....hard-drive not found”

     I would have screamed, but I think it might have disturbed my classroom neighbors.

     A couple of days later, I got an email from that professor, that they could see I had resubmitted something, but it still wasn't coming through, would I please send it as an email attachment?

     By the time I got that re-done, I have typed that paper 3 times.  During the time that laptop was down, I still had powerpoint and written docs to deal with, so I had borrowed the FL dept. laptop for the Microsoft office.

      I was in the middle of the biggest presentation I had to produce this year, had only saved about three pages of the 15 as a draft, but had not backed up all my notes, outlines, bibliographies, etc., and that computer went into a fatal loop error.  (trying for days to “configure [the last] update”).  I even pulled the battery, because it would restart itself back into that loop in the carry case.  Startled me out of my sleep one night.  After 2 days without power it started right back into that loop.  Had to be wiped, and have everything re-installed.  Again, I wanted to scream.  Got to start that project over as well.

     I think I have turned in all the critical stuff, but I have yet to hear back from the professors in question, because the next term doesn't start until the 18th of January, and I am sure they are not back “in school”, yet.  At this point, I can only hope that everything went through OK, and try to keep Michelle at ease until we actually know what grade I have for the online class. (while that class shows an incomplete, I am on grade probation, and Michelle is really on edge.)  I got a “B” in the other class, so I need at least a “B” for the online class as well.  Crossing my fingers.

            Next issue:     Things on the farm are likely to get interesting.  We are raising one house using methods that were in practice over 30 years ago.  Not quite “organic”, but “natural”.  Natural lights, as close to natural ventilation as can be had, and still keep chickens alive, no medications, smaller flock sizes for more space/bird, etc.  People on the Coasts want to believe their chicken had a happy life before it was butchered and sent to their table.  It is almost laughable.  All a chicken cares about is food, water, lack of predators, and a temperature that is “comfortable”.  The company (companies?) involved have actually talked about putting “toys” in the houses.  ??!!??  But hey, word has it people on the coasts are paying $9 + per pound for “happy chicken”.  YIKES!!  We'll call ALL our chickens “happy” if the pay goes to that level!

     The big plus for us is that for now, Townsend will pay us by the day, not by the pound. It should mean a higher pay-out for the flock, regardless of mortality, weight, etc.  More to come as that develops.

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