Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween/Holiday Fun

This week has been fun.  Michelle is slightly on the mend.  Ben is slightly LESS on the mend, but "mending"?  I really wish I could make their lives better when they are sick.  I do try to take care of cooking, laundry, chicken houses (as needed), etc., but I can't sew, and I can't do Ben's homework.  I was "under it" last week, but still had to run the tractor in the chickenhouses, so I am grateful that we are not on a superfast turn-around.
   Michelle's bout with asthma/....whatever? has had her coughing so hard and long, that she has pulled muscles in the abdomen.  That means she wakes up screaming in pain, anytime she shifts in bed, and she qualifies as a "flopper".  It is finally getting better, so she is currently sleeping.  I will wait a few more minutes before I go lay down, so that she can get "deeper" in.
   Ben has missed so much school this last week.  He will be very busy trying to catch up.  I am glad we have the Doterra oils.  They have been so amazing for me, that I can say they have actually CURED my allergies. The various oils and blends have really helped Ben and Michelle stay out of the hospital.  The house has smelled very nice too.  We have gone through a bunch of Deep Blue for muscles, On Guard for general immune system boost, and several others, which individually smell very good.  Together, we have ranged between extreme Christmas to life in the woods.  Oh, and maybe there are a bunch of citrus trees, and a vast groundcover of peppermint.
   Other fun this week.  Halloween is such a fun time of year.  We have been sort of a "stick-in-the-mud" family because of the "sicko's", but we actually got to have Michelle home for Halloween.  She has been in Branson nearly every year since we hooked up with her Branson friends, the Duttons and the Bretts.  This year, she went up earlier, spent two days, and had it such that she was home.  And sick.
   We are very comfortable doing Home family nights, when outside activities are normal.  There was not really an option to try trick-or-treating.  It was OK.  We bought a good sized bowl full of candy, intending to share it with anyone who showed up in costume.  Our road is not a through road, and few families out here, so traffic is light.  One of Michelle's clients came by with her little man in costume.  He got a good sized handful, and we "sampled" for the evening, as we watched Halloween movies.
   Just love "Hocus Pocus", with Bette Midler.  One very talented lady.  Corny movie, lots of fun.  We also watched "Beetelgeuse", with Michael Keaton.  Also a funny "ghost" movie.  The night was about perfect.  Had been rainy, clouds were moving and almost wispy.  We only lacked a big, full moon to have the quintessential spooky Halloween night.  Still loved it!

1 comment:

The Middle Child said...

Late enough, I will go to bed. Still intend to post about health insurance, if the weekend timing permits. Goodnight!!