Friday, February 10, 2012

Progress report

Well, this has been a week!  I was feeling pretty good about it when I posted last time.  I had survived a practice hike, had been watching my diet, and started a good week.
   I hit a spot on either Tuesday or Wednesday ( Sometimes busy weeks blend, and I don't remember well which event took place on which days) where my weight was actually down 3 pounds.  I know that is not really enough to be very excited over, because it is probably just "water weight", but still.  I drink a lot of water, and I had been eating more carefully, and I'll take 3 pounds.
   I am even trying to add more movement to my normal days.  At school, I take the longest way to and from the office, without getting ridiculous.  I only have so much time, but I try to add multiple trips up and down stairs between my room and the other places in the building.  We actually have 9 staircases in the building......, no wait, i left out 3 I never use!  we have 12.  If I alternate going up and down, I can get a pretty good walk in between my class and the office by using the 4 different stairs.  If I really want to walk (rarely have time), I have a map of alternating the stairs and hallways that allows me to make 3 trips through the entire school before I move down any given hallway section going the same direction as the last time I passed.  What that means is anybody seeing me would just think I was going to and from someplace, unless they look at the security cams.
   Also, at UALR, for my evening classes, I park in the highest level of the parking garage, and then, after class, I climb the stairs, then walk down trhough the entire garage, back up, and then do the stairs twice.  Parking on the 6th level, this really gets me breathing hard by the time I am done.  It is about a 30 minute workout.  I hope I will see some more weight loss because of it, being 2 times a week.  It definitely will help my strength and stamina.  Those last 2 flights were tough last night.  My legs felt like jello.

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