Friday, October 30, 2009

I am going to use some otherwise useless time, and put some thoughts down, so that I can move faster tonight at home, where my internet is very slow.

The last few days have been very full, emotionally. We had the opportunity to go to the temple with Justin last Friday. The trip to Memphis was pleasant. It is a fairly flat, straight drive once we pass Bald Knob. Dad can vouch for the drive. There are long stretches that are similar to driving through Texas. Straight as an arrow, nothing on either side but vast fields, and very little, if any change in altitude.

The Temple was a very special experience, as we had a very small session. I think I counted 20, which included several temple workers. Overall, it was a very good experience. We all (Michelle, Justin and myself) had experiences that I will share with many of you on a personal basis. I just don’t feel this is the place to share some of those moments.

The weekend went way too fast, but it was good to have all of us at home. Of course, Justin was not working, but we had him hopping, as he packed, and unpacked. He had to go through his checklist with Michelle and me, because packing for 2 years takes some care, as most of you know.

Sunday went by way too fast. We had a wonderful primary program during sacrament meeting. (clarification): Primary refers to our church organization for kids between 3-12 yr. old. Each year they present a program during our main worship service. Since Justin is one of the teachers, they had planned it before he left. Elizabeth is playing the piano for Primary, so we had 3 of ours in the program. Kaylee sang a solo for one of the songs.

It was also nice to have one of our Stake Presidency as the visiting speaker, to finish out the meeting.

Then, as we do on every 3rd Sunday, we had our Branch potluck dinner. Wow, we have got some very talented chefs in our little Branch. I know Justin enjoyed the “last meal”, but it did mean we were at the church until nearly 3:30.

Factor in the long drive home, and it felt like Sunday night came way too quick. Justin’s flight was going out at 6:50 Monday morning, so we needed to leave our house by about 3 am to get him to the airport for check-in. We decided that Michelle and Elizabeth might be too teary-eyed to make the drive back to Drasco, and the younger kids would struggle with the early start, so I would drive Justin to Little Rock, and then go from there to school.

We went down to Searcy to see the Stake President, so that he could set Justin apart for his mission. We had a good visit. President Berkheimer’s son comes home in just a few days, so it helped Michelle that they felt it had gone by fast.

We had an emotional visit Sunday night, got everything checked, packed, labeled and piled in the front room. I gave Justin a priesthood blessing, and we went to bed at about 11:30.

I think all of us wished the hours would slow down a bit. Especially the short hours between 11 and 2 am. That’s what time I got up to get ready for work. I woke Justin up as late as I could justify, and still make the airport. I am really glad that we have family in Utah Valley, so that J. could have a day or two to adjust, rest, etc. Mike, Karen, Thank you so much for helping us out that way. I know it made the transition easier for Michelle, and I am sure Justin was better off for the transition as well. I know from the time I left for my own mission. Staying with David and Margo for the two days prior to my entering the MTC was both enjoyable and helpful. Thanks again for letting Justin come spend some time with you and his cousins.

Monday morning was hard. The early start was the least of it! I wanted to talk Justin’s ear off. I needed to talk to stay awake, but I knew how tired Justin was, so I wanted to let him sleep. As it stood, Justin was also pretty keyed up. (can’t figure out why) He and I talked the whole way down to Little Rock. It was a very good father/son time. I hope some of the things I said will help Justin, but I also know that he is a strong enough young man, that much of the conversation was about things he already knew. “Preaching to the choir”, so to speak.

It is going to be very strange not having him around. I know with work, school, etc., he was gone an awful lot of the time, but this is not the same. Even when he was away at UALR (sorry, family; University of Arkansas at Little Rock), we still had the ability to talk to him daily. Okay, this is Justin! He frequently forgot to turn on his cell phone, or was out of his room at odd hours doing library research, or playing "airsoft BB's war" with roommates and dorm mates. One time he had been unreachable for 3 days, so Michelle asked me to take the long way home from work, and drive over to check on him.

Can't do that now! As a missionary, he will have a weekly opportunity to send and receive e-mail, and of course he can write letters on his preparation day (laundry, letters, shopping, cleaning, for those not familiar with the lingo). Some of you got a forward of his first e-mail.........yes, it was only 3 lines! We got a letter from him today.........It barely filled a small page; maybe 30 lines. He will have to get better about including detail, or his Mom may be asking me to "take the long way home from work" to check on him.

Mr. Linn, I may be gone the next several days. :)

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