Monday, June 29, 2009

Back on the planet!

I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I have not been incarcerated, nor have I been in traction! No broken arms, legs, toes or fingers! I have just simply had time management issues. There, it's out there! When life gets hectic, the internet, e-mail, and even this blog are low enough on the priority totem pole that they get neglected.

My last post in May was at the beginning of the end. End of the school year to be exact. Several things developing were taking a significant amount of time, and so I was on the computer about once a week, just to get to e-mail.

I had several events for the German club, trying to end the school year off with some fun events, including some fundraising. We worked a pizza restaurant for a "Chris Allen watch party", on the night he won American Idol. It was fun, and wow! what a crazy loud crowd. We never slowed down, until the guests were nearly out the door. We had our Soccer-picnic with the other language clubs. (Yes! the German club gets to keep the trophy for one more year!)

I had some events for my group traveling to German this year, like meetings, car-wash fundraisers, some recruiting for the next tour, etc. Oh, wait. I guess I should also not forget that the end of school means grading projects; organizing, producing and grading tests, quizzes, and any last assignments, as well as dealing with those dozens of things that students bring in at the last minute in an effort to save a grade that was unimportant 2 weeks ago!

Then there are always the chicken houses to deal with. I have been trying to get any significant repairs done before the end of May, because I knew that Bob and Phyllis would be more comfortable with my trip to Germany in June, if the houses were ready to go. Several waterlines needed some minor work, lots of mowing and weed-trimming, one house needed new curtains. ( 100+ ft. long. rip-stop material, cable/pulley system to adjust temperatures in the houses), some screen needed replacing, and so on.

Then, with Church, I have been preparing for our Branch conference on June 14th, trying to get Justin along the process of missionary application, having several issues that required my presence in Newport and/ or Jonesboro on more than one occassion (Jonesboro is about 135 miles away), and so on.

June 16th-25th, Elizabeth and I got to go to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This was gearing up to be the highlight of my summer, if not year. I had a group of 13, so I got to take Elizabeth along as well. We had an amazing trip! I have never been to Vienna (Wien), so this was a fun new place for me to explore. The history is so rich and deep. I know, I know, only a history teacher or a history geek is going to get much excitement out of a library full of books dating back as early as 1501, or a saber belonging to CHARLEMAGNE! But I am what I am! History geek/teacher! IT WAS SOOOOO COOL!!!

Weather was not our friend, sending rain and cold temps for all but 2 of the days we were there, but it was not in any way a let down for me. We got to experience German Europe in such a great way! It will take me literally hours to get any of my pictures uploaded, but I will try. Our entire group had fun! I will fill another blog or two with more detailed trip experiences, but I was so glad that our group had a good time, we all got along (the entire bus load!), and there were no major mishaps to mar the journey.

Back to the real (not the "cyber-")world! The day after we got home, chicks were delivered for house 1, and today we got the other 3. Translation......Got home Thur. evening, worked in the chicken houses. Worked in chicken houses all weekend, and the cycle begins in earnest today!

Time to go put the babies to bed. I'll sing them a German lullaby, and tuck them all in. All 78,000:)


1 comment:

Nymphie said...

Hey it's that annoying German student, Brittany... :)
Hope the tour was fun. My trip was slashed to a week because I was sick for a while, but oh well...we can't have everything. So. Well. It was nice. Have to show you something I picked up. 'Tis quite awesome!