Thursday, October 23, 2008

It may take me a while to figure this out. I have spent enough years learning how to form a halfway decent paragraph, that it makes me crazy to type one, and then have it all jammed together. If you know what I mean, and how to fix it, please enlighten me. Like I stated in my first post, I am partially computer literate.

Just to drive my point home, I put three hard returns between "literate" and "Just".
Isn't this FUN? trying to re-learn an old skill?

(two more hard returns) I really do love computers. I love to hate them. As a child, computers were some new-fangled, sci-fi gadget that only the government, rich people and a few businesses had. In High school, we only saw a small handful of computers outside of the main office, and those were not available to the students. The year after I graduated high school was the first year students were given access to the new computer lab. I think it had a grand total of 3 computers. Wow!! Look how far we have come.

(two more hard returns) In college, I learned a bit about these new toys, and even went so far as to take a semester course in programming BASIC. It was fun, I learned a lot of things, but the most I ever really accomplished, as I recall, was a program that would draw a figure, and then move it around the screen in random patterns until I hit enter or space bar or something. Then it would "blow-up". I should have been a game programmer. I hear some of them make millions.

My first home computer was probably one of the biggest purchases of my adult life. It was not the top of the line, but you technofiles out there will understand that in 1988, $2,500 would get you a pretty good computer. It had a lightning fast 386 kHz processor, and no RAM, but it had a whopping 40 MB hard drive and 2, COUNT THEM, 2 floppy drives.

I used it for school work, and some games, and wondered on many occasions if it was just a very expensive toy. I probably should have spent more time with Word-perfect and Microsoft word in those early days.

Now, I carry around my neck, a device which is more capable than 6 of that first computer, and I am still generations behind. My portable brain is the best filing system I have. The files are neat, they are compact. I can browse through them in just a matter of seconds, and I don't need to worry about moving floppy discs from one drive to another to move, copy or edit the "papers" I keep in those files.

I love computers.

ps I must have come close to figuring this out, because this one is better. But...... but......but I don't know what it is that I changed! AAARRGGGH!

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