Sunday, October 19, 2008

Greetings! Here I am, doing something I never would have predicted.

I am setting up a Blog! I have never considered myself computer illiterate, but I have likewise never been truly computer saavy. I love to hate computers, like so many of you. They can be the greatest tool, and sometimes a wondeful toy, but much of the time they are just the greatest aggravation in my life.
I have usually been one or two "versions" behind the latest advances, but not so far that I still use a Commodore 64, for those of you who even remember those.
I recently ( being about 3 hours ago) came back from a family get together out in California, where we celebrated my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. There had been much discussion about the prospects of blogging being a way for a widespread family tree to keep in contact with each other.
As I went through the steps to set this up, I had to come up with my Blog title, and it occured to me. I am the 5th of 9 children (perfect middle), married to the 2nd of 3, we have both crossed into "middle age", (hopefully not as bad as the "Middle Ages"), and we currently live pretty close to the middle of this great country.
So, welcome to musings from the middle.


Kathy said...

Love it, Scott! What a perfect title! It was so wonderful to see you guys, and I will not make fun of took me forever to get our blog partially figured out, and I'm still figuring out new stuff (well, new to me, anyway) all the time. Love you loads!

jan123 said...

Wow Scott, look at you, with a great looking blog already before you have even been home for a whole day! It was fun to see all of you!