Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Double standards!

   I just have to say something here about the latest flap over public offenses.  As most have probably heard, one major, conservative radio talk show host said some derogatory things about a young lady pertaining to her part in the "big" contraception debate in national politics.
   Nutshell version, in case anyone has missed it:  White House wants to force "health care providers" to subsidize contraception, regardless of that organizations' religious opposition to contraception.  ie. Catholic universities, hospitals and insurance providers would be "required" to provide payment for contraception, even though it violates their religious beliefs.  Young woman speaks out in congressional hearings.
   Back to double standard.  Said radio host made some bad comments, got called to the carpet.  Has issued an apology!  Is it over?  OH, NO!  Not by a long shot!
   You see, those who don't like this host are calling for him to be silenced, screaming for boycotts, asking advertisers to pull their ads (which many have done), etc.  They say nothing about the number of times that absolutely vile things have been said to and about conservative women and women politicians on the conservative side.  The leadership of the left has never, and will never, denounce vile, vicious and even threatening comments made against women who do not share their views, but they scream and throw a fit about a war against women when someone on the right messes up. (apology or not)
   You should look up Louis CK , the headline "comedian" for the upcoming "Washington Correspondants' Banquet" or whatever it's called.  His foul mouthed and salacious comments about Sarah Palin and her child with Down's syndrome should have any "honest" women's movement outraged, not to mention foundations and charity groups focused on Down's syndrome.  He is a recently single dad, makes me wonder what his "woman" felt about his attitude towards women?
   Yet he is the chosen entertainment for the media muckity-mucks who rub elbows with, (Oh fine, "fawn all over") our President and his left-wing cronies.  Go figure.  War on women?   You better figure out who is really on what side.

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