Monday, January 11, 2010

camping part 2

....camping part 2

I have to preface this post. I had typed out both parts at about the same time, but when I saved them to the flashdrive, I somehow replaced the 2nd with the first, so I had 2 versions of part 1. I finally dug through my hard-drive back-up files, and found part 2, so here it is.

As I think about our many camping trips, and the preparation that goes into a successful trip, I am still seeing that planning and discussion is vital. I don’t ever recall hearing Dad and Mom debate what was necessary for a fun trip, they work so much on the same wavelength.

But I am sure they discussed together what would be best for a given trip. If they ever disagreed, that discussion never happened in front of us. When it came time to load the car or trailer (again, ?), they had what we needed, and it had a place, somewhere.

I have had friends that say that camping with their parents was the worst nightmare, because Dad and Mom could not agree on what to take, and if they even went, they ended up fighting because they each wanted their stuff, and there was not enough space for it all. (Sometimes this led to the family going into debt to buy a bigger camper, or trailer, or 5th wheel, etc.) And yes, divorce was not far behind! Having MORE was not always BETTER!

Well our country is getting geared up for a long trip ahead. And the people deciding what we are taking can’t seem to get along! They feel the need to pack everything, including the kitchen AND bathroom sinks, and subzero winter gear, even though the weather should be balmy. What irks me however, is that each side wants to blame the other, rather than work together to find a solution that works. Many of the Liberals want to pass it now, and work out the details later!?!?

This healthcare monstrosity is a perfect example. Over 2000 pages, of which I have read as much as I can, because the “legalese” numbs my brain, which I’m sure is its purpose. The Libs want to take everything along, and they want to control it, while claiming that it will not be government controlled. Do they really think we are all THAT stupid??! The pages I have read talk about criminal penalties for not having health insurance, government oversight of health coverages, and a “forced” coverage, if unable to find acceptable (to whom?) insurance.

Then, they claim that all the Conservatives can do is try to stop it by being stubborn. “The Party of NO”, they are screaming.

You know, just because one says that we don’t need the 45” flatscreen TV on a camping trip, doesn’t automatically mean the trip is cancelled. The one’s screaming re-think, and re-start are not just throwing up brick walls, they are countering with good ideas. But the Libs and the biased left media are trying to portray the opposition to this healthcare as un-christian, stubborn, un-helpful/uncooperative. They claim that because we want to take something different, we are saying the camping trip is off. I know of no-one, conservative OR Liberal, Republican OR Democrat, in the middle OR outerfringes that thinks our healthcare system and the cost involved should not be changed somehow. We have a problem, and it needs help, but it needs to be thought out carefully, reviewed, discussed, and PUBLICIZED, because this could be one of the biggest changes in our country’s history.

And government take-over (public option, health-care exchange, whatever “soft” version they are selling today) leaves this country in the hands of a greedy few, instead of being moved by the larger, impartial forces of free-market economics. For example, remove the blocks to competition (like state lines!) and the dozens of companies out there will become more competitive just to stay alive. Force a new competitor in, who has the automatic advantage of being the government, and you actually stifle the very competition that will help the most!

Congress, get it and yourselves, together, and open the debate! Quit trying to ram things down the other party’s (and the American People’s) throat. This is too important to just push through so you can say you did something.

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