Sunday, December 6, 2009


Thanksgiving! What a great time of year! I really have always enjoyed this Holiday! I was reading Kathy's blog about being thankful, and had some thoughts to add, and then I will probably just post more of the everyday, mundane stuff that rules our lives.

I remember growing up in Bakersfield, how many people there always seemed to be at our house for Thanksgiving. do you guys remember how many tables and chairs we had to borrow from the Institute of Religion at BC? Mom, I have learned too late in life to appreciate you properly for the amount of work and love that went into organizing those amazing events.

I may be off, but it always seemed to me like our family, plus at least 3-4 others, and they were close friends, sometimes even our own family, but mostly friends from church. One tradition I remember most is how we would go around the table, and each would say at least one thing for which they were thankful that year. These large gatherings impressed in me the importance of family and friends, and I am thankful for both. To my family, I love you, and miss you all the time. I am happy where we are, I love living in Arkansas, but I do wish we were closer so that we could all get together more often.

To friends, both here and wherever you may be at this time, we appreciate and love you. It is friends and family that make life truly joyful, and I am thankful to say that I have had many great friends, and have some really great friends now. Those large gatherings are something I look back on with fondness.

I have since experienced the smaller versions, with just our immediate, local family. We always (10 years and counting) eat with Bob and Phyllis. Usually, any of Bob's siblings that are here join us, but this year, it is down to Aunt Robbie, and she has "migrated" north for the winter. She got sick several weeks ago, and I think it kind of scared her, so she made arrangements with her oldest daughter to come stay in their basement apartment in Michigan, just across from the lake by that name.

We had two Moms that were sick on Thanksgiving day, and 2 deer to deal with, so we celebrated on Friday. Yes, Ian got his deer. Ben has struggled more, because he has had a harder time holding out. The cooler weather has kind of got his asthma flared up, if he spends a lot of time outside, and his IBD left-over issues make it very hard for him to sit completely still and quiet for very long. Even when he is quiet, his innards are not!

But Ian got a deer, and the same day Herman, or someone in his family called about taking another. So we spent Thursday skinning and dressing two deer. I am thankful that we have family and friends who like to hunt but not eat. We enjoy venison, and are grateful for the addition to our freezer.

I am thankful for a good job. I love teaching German at Conway High School. I have had great students, and I currently have great students! Not all of them are perfect, but they all add a lot to each day. I can say that no two days are alike, and no two years, either. I enjoy this enough, that even if money started falling from the sky, I think I would drift back to teaching shortly. I wish it paid better ( what teacher doesn't), but if money were no issue, I would probably take some time off to play with family, and then I would find myself teaching. I'm thankful I have a job that I enjoy.

I am thankful for Michelle, because she puts up with me, and is the love of my life.
For my kids, because they are amazing!
For my family, for your examples, prayers and love.
For church friends, and family that are helping to support Justin in his mission.
I am also thankful for:
beautiful sunrises, which I get to see nearly every morning
electricity, because I get home after dark
gas heat, because I know what it takes to stay warm without it
fireplaces, for when the power goes out, and wood is the only heat source
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
healthy chickens, because it is no fun dealing with sickly birds
a free country where I can voice my opinions without going to jail
tolerant people who allow me to worship God as I see fit, and only expect the same respect
a place like this where I can ramble, and some of you find entertainment in that:)

For my friends of all faiths, Have a great Holiday season. Don't forget to keep Christ in Christmas!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I was thinking about those huge gatherings this Thanksgiving as well. It seemed so stressful for me to cook and prepare for just one other small family to join us...I have realized that our mom was and still is AMAZING!