Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pray for my soul!

I know it has been a while since my last post. We have been staying very busy, between chicken houses, teenagers with jobs and other activities, Michelle's business, school getting started, gardens, yards and the list goes on! Our three youngest have been eagerly awaiting the start of school (I know, some people think they're weird!), but so have I.

We have a new principal this year. I liked our old principal, Mickey Siler, but he retired, and I think we are going to have a good run with Mr. Joel Linn. He met with the departments during the summer, and I think his energy and positive outlook will help CHSE continue on a good path for the future. I am looking forward to working with him. We have some other new teachers, and one of the most exciting for our department is a young lady from China. Xi Chen, known to most as "Anny" is teaching beginning chinese on our campus. That is very exciting for the FL dept. Some might see it as a threat to the other languages, but I have seen what a program can look like when there is great excitement about a new language. Don't forget, American Fork had 53% of the student population in For. Lang. classes. Nobody suffered when we tried to add Italian, or Hebrew, or even the small Ind. Study Arabic class. We still kept the administration jumping trying to find and keep language teachers for all of the programs.

I am looking forward to putting Mr. Linn in the position of needing a part-time German teacher next year. I needed one this year, but the 3rd year class was small enough that the administration could justify dropping it. My numbers should play out next year to avoid that possibility.

Should be a good school year, for all of us. It can't hurt that we have lots of people praying for us. It feels like my high-school days in Bakersfield, CA. I have people praying for my soul. The kids (Elizabeth in particular) have had strangers come up to them and inform them that they are praying for their souls. Good thing!

I guess there is some wave of teachings about various churches, or particularly the Mormons, I don't know which. I got some sense of it a few weeks ago, when Bob and Phyllis approached Michelle with some questions about the Church, and then proceeded to challenge her about her beliefs. They claim they were just asking questions, but when she responded with what we believe, she got a frequent "no you don't" response. They said some things that were very hurtful to Michelle, and she refuses to discuss religious topics with them anymore.

They asked me to come "answer their questions", and so a couple of weeks ago, I went over and spent 2 hours discussing our beliefs. More often than not, the "questions" were actually challenges straight from anti-Mormon literature, with a good example, and the most aggravating being the constant claim that we don't even believe in the Bible. In particular the King James version, which is what many of the local churches use. They wouldn't even bother looking at my own personal, 20+ year old King James Bible, because they "know" it is just the Mormon twist, and looks nothing like the "true" King James Bible.

I have dealt with that ...........attitude from others over many years, but it has been interesting to hear it from family. We are still getting along, but religion will just be one of those quiet subjects around here. we want to keep the family relationship strong, but if they are unwilling to be open-minded, it is pointless to discuss.

Then to hear that the kids are having relatively unknown kids approach them at school and inform them that they pray for our souls......., interesting times are ahead, I think!

One of the ironies to this whole line of thinking, however, is the total contradiction in the argument. Bob and Phyllis believe, as do so many, that the only thing necessary to achieve salvation is to profess belief in Jesus Christ, to accept Him as our Savior. They feel confident in that faith, but for some unexplainable reason, no matter how strenuously WE profess the divine mission of our Savior, no matter how deeply we bear testimony of Christ's divine heritage, and admit his role as the Savior of the world, the saving grace that applies to anyone who professes belief does not apply to Mormons! ??? Bob actually told me that if he died tonight, he would be fine, but if I died tonight, my soul was in jeopardy! I find it both aggravating, and sadly humorous. I guess they don't really believe their own doctrine. A cousin who died of drug and alcohol abuse, but still "claimed" to believe in Christ, stands a better chance in the hereafter than us Mormons, according to them.

I try not to let it make me upset, but it does sadden me. I know part of it is trying to reconcile a personal decision many years ago to leave the Church, but it is sad that the only way to do that is to try to put us down, to convince us of the evil of our ways, and to disregard anything we say to the contrary. Let anyone who believes the Mormons are not Christian read some actual Mormon literature, not all the stuff put out there by our enemies. Most importantly the scriptures, the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. They would have to be blind to not see our faith in our Savior. Yes we have a different interpretation of scripture than they do! we have a different understanding of Christ's mission than they do. We don't have to rely on individual interpretations of men. We have prophets to teach us the truth! If our interpretation of each verse was the same as theirs, what would be the difference?

I guess the difference might be that they would allow that we also might be saved by faith? That all we need do is profess belief?

Well, if they are right..then every Mormon is in pretty good shape, because Christ is the most important being in our lives. We worship Him as our Savior, Son of God, LITERALLY resurrected, Light unto the world.

But if we are right (and obviously I feel we are), then Christ has continued to communicate with us, and He has given us continued commandments, and all mankind will be held responsible for how well they have followed those commandments. Can we be considered clean if we fail to follow ALL of God's commandments? Even the ones given to us in this dispensation of time?

I guess it bothered me more than I thought originally. I have been able to get along with many friends, of many different faiths, and I will continue to be fine. I know what is truth, I know not everyone will agree with me, but I know what I need to do. I will just keep praying, I will just stay faithful in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and, everytime someone says to me, " I pray for your soul", I will just keep smiling and responding with "thank you, I pray for your soul as well."

No matter what, just remember...Jesus loves you!


Nymphie said...

Oh, c'mon; don't let it get to you. People do the same to me and my friends, and I just suck it up, stick out my tongue, and say "BLEH!" :D Just make sure you have a supply of Bleistifte Monday...I may purchase a few...

Barbara J. Wahlquist said...

Very well said, Scott. We've been through some of that, too. Yours is a bit more challenging than ours was, We will pray for more than your soul. Love ya