Friday, April 3, 2009

No such thing as ugly weather

I was listening to the radio on the way to work the other day, looking out at the bottom of rain clouds that were getting ready to dump on us, again, and something the weather forecaster said caught my ear. It is a type of comment that we hear all too often. I am sure that you hear this where you are, and I guess I have always found it bothersome.
Too often, I listen to people complain about today's weather, hoping tomorrow will be "better". When it's raining, they hope for sunshine, but when it's been sunny for more than a few days running, they complain that we need rain. Then, if we have more than 2 days with rain, even in the middle of a drought, we "hope for nicer weather soon". (HELLO, in the middle of a years-long drought, pray for a week of solid rain, don't ya think?!?)
The comment I heard was about the weather being ugly, but we could hope for something nicer in the next few days. I'm hearing this as I'm examing, no... admiring, the amazing hues from purple to gray, the lush green of freshly "washed" spring growth, splashed with the occassional ray of sunshine sneaking under the edges of far away clouds. As I scanned the sky, following the soft flowing lines of some clouds, "slamming" into the more defined edges of other clouds, playing their soft pale hues off each other, I had to think......"all weather is a result of God's amazing creation, is it possible to have UGLY weather?"
I guess it is true, beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. we can choose to see only a certain type of weather as beautiful. Might even decide that storms, because they can be dangerous, can be less beautiful than a balmy summer day, but I have always enjoyed a good lightning show, (as long as I could watch and listen from a relatively safe place), and the cloud formations in a massive storm front are nothing, if not impressive. Even the softened, dancing edges of a funnel cloud on the ground have an awesome beauty about them.
It may not always be safe for us to be in their paths, but God's amazing paintbrush has given us some absolutely stunning visuals in this life.
What are we missing, I wonder, if we are always looking to the next "sunny" day to find our joy and happiness. Find the beauty in what is in front of you, no matter what the sky looks like. There is astonishing beauty in every sky, every landscape, every tree, the starlit night sky, the flight of a flock of birds, moving like waves on the ocean, and don't forget waves on the ocean.
I think if we get good at finding the beauty in the harshness of a massive thunderstorm, we can also learn to spot the beauty and divinty in some of the less than perfect people around us, and they in turn can better find the beauty in our imperfection.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Excellent point, Scott! And just what I needed to remind me that all this rain in Seattle is welcome and makes it green and beautiful here. Even if I do miss the sun occasionally. :)