Friday, May 7, 2010

Another vent, only this one doesn't have much positive in it. Sorry! This may read like a rant, because it is one! I tried to give the main points, without all the teary eyed detail, so if you find it hard to follow, you may have to read it again to find the timeline. Again, sorry!

This one has to do with government bureaucracy at several levels. And these organizations/people want to run (ruin) the health care system in this country??!

Today's rant has to do with school districts, state legislatures and the federal government. I wish I could say that it all started this week, but in reality, this started approximately 16 years ago. (for us) It has to do with Ian.

For the 10 or so years we did not know what we were fighting with Ian, we struggled through many diagnoses and treatments, some of which insurance covered, others which it did not. Now, don't get me wrong, I was quite pleased with the insurance coverage we had in Utah. I did not have to pay for the policy, and the plan was decent.

After moving to Arkansas, and having the meltdowns and problems that led to a diagnosis of Asperger's, we have seen constant improvement in Ian's (and our) ability to handle the stresses, and detour the meltdowns. This has not been without financial struggles. Ian's medicines have typically run about $500-600/month, and would have bankrupted us years ago, if not for good insurance at the time, and Ian qualifying for SSI payments and medicaid insurance.

Between Justin and diabetes, Ian and Asperger's, and Ben and ulcerative colitis, we typically spend a small bundle on medical supplies and meds, until insurance maximums are met. Ian's SSI payment has been a lifesaver in this area.

Until this last year. Last year, (and don't ask me why not the 2 years before that), the Social Security Administration informed us that they had been over paying us, and reduced the monthly check to nearly nothing. The reason? I get paid 3 checks in June, which means that we exceed the income limits for SSI. Therefore, when they had found this, they needed to reduce our future payments, until the "oversight" had been corrected.

Why do I get 3 checks in June, You may ask? It's because the district has to clear the books, that is, meet all financial obligations by the end of June. ( that's supposedly state law) And since they "can not, and will not pay a teacher in July, for work that isn't being done"(quote from district payroll manager), I get 3 checks in June, and nothing till Sep. 20th, the first payment of the new contract year.

Back to SSI and government inconsistency! SSI will kick back in, once the "excessive income" is gone, and we resubmit new financial records. Their problem is they base all their limits on monthly income, and it doesn't matter if it's one check or 31 checks meant to be cashed over months and months, it's all considered June's income. That part actually makes sense. The district sees this plan as "12 equal payments". :{

Now, follow me here....... it's MAY. LAST month, we finally got all the financial records straightened out, and SSI discovered that we did indeed fall well below the income level for a family our size, and they had seriously UNDERPAID Ian's SSI since last June, so they were in the process of increasing checks to make up for the oversight. Anyone getting dizzy yet?

Michelle, in an effort to avoid that rollercoaster ride again, called them a few days ago to remind them that June's pay situation was bizarre, and hoping to avoid the same paperwork mess, and payment reductions. No good deed goes unpunished! Yesterday, we got a letter stating that Ian was being dropped from SSI and Medicaid, because my June income was projected too high to qualify!

Get how well this government wants people to manage their money. When Michelle called (in a near panic), to try and figure out what the heck happened, they explained that for them it is all about the monthly income, and as long as that money was available, we had too much to qualify. But, and I quote, "if you use that money up before the end of June, we could re-submit financials, and have him re-enrolled by August". So, if we "blew" our 3 months salary (living expenses) on a $9000 VACATION, we would still only lose out on Ian's SSI and medicaid for 2 months.

Let's see now, no matter what we do, we lose Ian's payments, and his insurance (read prescription co-pays), bringing a net loss bumping $2000. That's if we blow 2-3 months pay in a matter of 5-7 days. If we manage our money wisely, making sure that we still have money in September, while we wait for the 20th to roll around, we lose at least 4 months of Ian's coverage. ($4000) Can't win for losin'.

Now the kicker..... when Michelle called DHS today, to see about enrolling Ian in the Arkids insurance program, they informed us that he should have no problem enrolling, because our income is, according to them, well below the income limit for a family of our size. AND, they figure their income limits based on an average 12 month income. So my 3 check June would not be an issue. Aren't these the same people who want to run our health care system?

Monday, May 3, 2010

I just need to write something this week. I don't know what, but I think I just need to vent. Not so much in a negative way, just some major things going on.

First major has to do with Justin, of course! He has been serving within our mission, waiting for his official re-assignment. He spent several weeks over in Tennessee, as the only Spanish speaking missionary in that area, so he had some great opportunities to take the lead in discussions. Some of the investigators are making good progress towards conversion, so we were very proud of Elder Wahlquist.

Then, just like a normal mission, President Drewes needed to transfer him to Russelville, a town about 2 hours away from Drasco, the other direction. He was working with Spanish speaking missionaries, so he was getting good practice with his language skills, and they were also seeing some success, working with the many spanish speaking workers and members. Justin was just glad to be staying in the missionary work.

Our big issue with a re-assignment was getting Justin all "hooked-up" to new technology. We have been fighting with the insurance company over a new pump, and the continuous glucose monitor (hereafter referred to as CGM), which should allow Justin to keep tighter control over his diabetes, and to avoid those dangerously low night levels which have led to seizures.

Well, we have the technology ("we can rebuild him. Make him better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster..." :) sorry, a throw back to old TV some of you will recognize, others will be left scratching their heads, wondering if I have lost my mind. I only ask that if you find it, please address to "Urgent: ..........Drasco, AR 72530" :)

Anyway, he is all geared up. We are still fighting with insurance over who is going to pay for it, but it has already been worth the extra peace of mind Michelle feels, knowing that something is there that will pester Justin if his glucose levels get out of whack.

That step kind of led to this week's "majorness". We got the call on Saturday night, that Justin had a new assignment. He was to leave early Tuesday morning. His new mission call is to Tempe, Arizona. So I drove down to Russelville Sunday evening, picked up Justin, and drove over to Searcy to see the Stake president. Justin was set apart (again), and we had him on Monday. Not exactly a long time, made even stranger by Elizabeth's adventure.

Liz had gone out to Utah on Thursday, to attend her best Utah friend's wedding. Ann (used to be Barnett) was so excited to have Liz come out, and Liz was jazzed about staying with Mike and Karen and their gang. She had a good trip, and was supposed to come home Sunday night around 11 pm. Well, after getting home with Justin, and visiting with Michelle for about 10 minutes, she left to drive down to Little Rock to get Liz.

When she walked back in the door 20 minutes later, I knew something was amiss. Liz was stuck in Dallas!!

They had cancelled her flight due to mechanical problems, and Liz was not sure what to do. Fortunately, she called Michelle first, so she was on her way home while talking to Liz, rather than getting closer to LR.

Plus side of craziness! They put Liz up in a hotel, gave her meal vouchers for that night and for Breakfast, and said she was on a flight early the next morning. Our 17 yr. old spending the night alone in a Dallas hotel. You can guess that Michelle slept very little that night, and I only slept marginally better.

When I got to work the next morning, I talked to Liz just before Mom was supposed to leave the house to drive to LR. Liz was in a panic, because they had bumped her from the morning flight ( airline had sent a plane too small for the number of passengers re-booked :(, and Liz would be at least 2 hours later), and she couldn't reach Michelle. She really didn't want Mom to sit at the airport for 2 extra hours building stress. Bright Girl, we have raised a gem, I think!

Well, we got ahold of Michelle, so she and Justin got to visit at home for a few hours. Remember, Justin had been set apart, he had to stay with someone until he reached his mission assignment. They got Liz home, Tuesday evening went way too fast, because it was filled with packing, washing, repacking, hugging, and trying to get to sleep so that the 2 of us leaving at 4 AM would not be working on no sleep. You know, this all seems soooooo familiar.

I am so glad that Justin is back in the mission field. Tempe is Garrett's mission, so the cousins will have some connecting points. It is also the mission of a certain elder McGown, whose brother was the Zone Leader in Mexico, that took Justin to the hospital after his first seizure. Church makes for a small World! I think Michelle and siter McGown are likely to become very good e-mail friends. It will be fun to met that family in person some day.